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High Performing Teams don’t happen by chance. They are the product of great leadership that unlocks the full potential of the team. Being a good leader isn’t something everyone can do. It’s not easy. That’s why, identifying leadership potential is key to long-term company success. Psychometric testing identifies leadership potential.

Pegem provides valuable leadership insight and tools in the following areas:

#1 Setting and Communicating Direction

Communicating complex messages using simple and engaging narrative is a critical skill to set direction and inspire. Employees need to see how the strategy and vision relates to them so they can feel a real sense of being part of something.

#2 Motivating Others

Inspirational leaders use their vision and passion to create a culture where teams feel motivated and productive. Employees led by engaged management are 39% more likely to be engaged themselves. We know engaged employees are productive employees!

#3 Win-Win Team Approach

77% of employees rank trust as the highest-ranked link to employee engagement. Integrity, maturity and a mentality of abundance are the key personal characteristics to a win-win approach. Individuals, teams and organisations win when trusted leaders, manage engaged employees, that deliver on a clear vision.

#4 Managing Change

Great decision makers have high emotional intelligence, can handle uncertainty, and have the ability to weigh up evidence with intuition. With a strong link to win-win, they make decisions that positively impact themselves, their employees, their customers and stakeholders, and their organisations. Most importantly, they then take ownership of their decisions.

#5 Making Decisions

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions… The ability to make the right decision given it is not always clear and then taking ownership for that decision is the essence of good leadership.

#6 Planning and Time Keeping

Strategic thinking without a plan is just a nice idea. Leaders strategise and execute through careful planning and setting SMART objectives for their team. Stay on target, stay on time.

#7 Handing Confrontation

Effective leaders appreciate differences in people’s personalities and work to resolve team conflict both quickly and respectfully. This maintains collaboration, a key characteristic in high performing teams.

Identifying future leaders has never been more important. Better leaders build better teams. Pegem allows you to identify leaders with the right skills and behaviours to secure the future of your organisation.

Looking for future leaders, succession planning, building high performing teams or improve existing ones? Then let’s talk.