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Choosing the right employee when building high performing teams can be a real challenge.  Can you really tell whether they’re going to be the right person for the job or a ‘square peg in a round hole’?

Psychometric testing provides a deeper understanding of candidates’ suitability. This allows companies to create excellent team dynamics and build high performing teams. 

#1 Insight

A candidate might ace the interview process, but if their profiling reveals they don’t work well in a team, they may not be the best fit for the job. Research has found that psychometrics are 37% more accurate indicators of future performance than a degree or certificate. By considering candidates aptitude, skills and personality, companies are better informed to select the best candidate.

#2 Retention

The use of psychometrics when hiring, can boost the retention rate by 92%. Testing identifies candidates who will be the best fit for the team and company culture. This delivers employee satisfaction leading to higher commitment, motivation and retention; creating a win-win for all parties!

#3 Fairness

An interview can be a very subjective process. Employers will normally assess skills and experience fairly accurately, but personality and cultural fit is a lot more challenging to evaluate. Pegem’s tools can help to reduce unconscious bias by providing objective information that puts candidates on a level playing field.

#4 Cost-Effectiveness

Employing the wrong candidate can come with a nasty price tag and risks disrupting the dynamic of the team. The wrong hire can cost organisations between 30% and 176% of the annual salary of each vacancy. Psychometrics improves recruitment accuracy, helping organisations to minimise this hefty expense.

#5 Timesaving

Interviews are highly time consuming for both the candidate and hiring teams. More than 78% of HR professionals in the UK agree it is a ‘powerful timesaving tool’ for hiring through improved screening.

75% of the Times Top UK employees now use psychometric testing in their recruitment. Pegem will improve the hiring outcome by placing the right people in the right job. 

Looking to build high performing teams or improve existing team performance? Then let’s talk.