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Team dynamics can make a business thrive or just survive. Here are 3 things your company can do to make sure you are at the top of your game.

#1 – Clear direction and goals

  • The team and individuals clearly understand where the company is headed.
  • Each team member knows their role and what is expected of them.
  • Teams and individuals have SMART KPIs and targets set that align to the company ones (SMART – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time bound)

#2 – Collaboration

  • Team members have mutual respect for each other and above all, they appreciate each other’s personality types.
  • They communicate openly with plenty of active listening.
  • Individuals freely express their thoughts and ideas.
  • The team sees constructive criticism and challenge as a natural part of getting the best outcomes.

#3 – Continuously improve

  • Teams are given the responsibility to make decisions.
  • They take risks and try new things without the worry of being chastised for failures.
  • Have resources made available to achieve their goals.

Without these characteristics, teams underperform, good employees leave and companies suffer damage to their reputation and fail to perform at their highest level.

Provide your teams with clear direction, encourage collaboration and promote continuous improvement and watch your teams and company fly.

Looking to build high performing teams or improve existing team performance? Then let’s talk.