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Working from Home (or remotely) and what it means for your personality type

One of the most important ingredients of high performing teams is getting the right combination and mix of personality types. Each individual has a preferred or dominant type that comes out in the way in which they conduct themselves in both their personal and business life.

The 4 personality types are known as the:

  • The competitive, determined, assertive REDs
  • The caring, encouraging, amiable GREENs
  • The precise, deliberate, analytical BLUEs
  • The social, expressive, motivating YELLOWs

The usual dynamics of teams can be disrupted when working from home or when teams are geographically dispersed. So what does it mean for you and your personality type?

You REDs may find it difficult no longer being able to walk the floor, look individuals in the eye or have a physical presence. It will be a real challenge to relax the tight grip of the reins and delegate to others, developing trust in those around you. If you can, the rewards will be plentiful. Just set and communicate the KPI’s, target measures and boundaries, check-in periodically but keep a light touch!

The traits of the  YELLOWs will keep the team motivated, connected and productive. But that is usually in your huddles and team meetings. You guys still need to provide the fun and excitement and be the cheer leaders. Now though, you just need to do it through other channels like video, group chats and team quizzes. Don’t worry, you still get to talk and inspire others.

Well this remote working is just heaven for you BLUEs. No one to bother you so you can just get on with it. So long as you have a clear list of things to get on with, you’ll knock them out and the quality will be even higher than usual as your perfectionism kicks in. Your challenge will be to check-in and keep in communication with the rest of the team. But don’t worry too much because the YELLOWs and REDs will be sure to arrange some updates and keep you focused on the right things.

Let’s not forget our GREENs! This may be a tougher environment for you than you think. It’s you that keeps the harmony in the team and your compassionate nature that keeps the team on an even keel. It’s also important for you to stay connected but for the personal touch and to keep the team harmony. The group chat and video is your friend. Continue to inject the subtle humour and compassion as they are always welcome. Don’t go quiet on us.

Embrace your personality type difference but remember to exercise understanding of those around you and in your teams. Each personality type has a role to play and it’s the differences that contribute to your teams high performance.

Looking to build high performing teams or improve existing team performance? Then let’s talk.