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Company culture drives organisational growth and achievement. The characteristics of high performing cultures can be identified from a range of the common attributes of your employees.  

It is crucial to identify, understand and nurture these employees in order to manage the team dynamics and build high performing teams

Pegem provides the insight and tools to identify these personal qualities.

#1 – The degree of openness 

  • Is open, clear and transparent in all their communication channels 
  • Is a really good listener
  • Accepts constructive criticism and see it as personal growth 
  • Not afraid to share their lateral thinking 

#2 – The level of conscientiousness 

  • Self-motivated and has a sense of what needs to be done 
  • Is driven, passionate and ambitious 
  • Shows leadership qualities to motivate others 
  • Takes initiative and see it as a learning opportunity 
  • Actively seeks new opportunities 
  • Has great time management and adjust to changes in timelines 
  • Likes challenges and meeting goals 

#3 – The ability to work as part of a Team 

  • Is actively engaged and participates in discussions and communication  
  • Share’s knowledge to cultivate a collaborative, supporting environment 
  • Is flexible, versatile and is quick to offer their help 
  • Maintains a positive outlook and motivates others especially when things aren’t going so well 

#4 – The degree of honesty and trustworthiness 

  • Is reliable, disciplined and dependable 
  • Takes ownership and responsibility of their action   
  • Is consistent in the way they go about everything they do 
  • Is committed, loyal and devoted to goals, vision and values 
  • Has integrity 

Hiring, promoting individuals and building teams around these qualities will result in a high performing workplace that delivers bottom line results.   

Looking to gain insight into your culture, build high performing teams or improve existing performance? Then let’s talk